Arcadia Art
Fehmarner Str. 16
13353 Berlin
owner: Dr. Martin Kirves
Phone: 0049 (0) 176 / 226 19 112
Tax number: 23/380/00603
VAT ID: DE222399602
Arcadia Art is the online art gallery of Dr. Martin Kirves.
As an online art gallery I do not have a retail shop. If you would like to view an artwork, please make an appointment by phone (0176 226 19 112), email ( or use the contact form below.
Looking forward to your visit!
Shipping Information
Postage is free within Germany and will be sent as a well packed and insured DHL package. If the artwork exceeds a certain size, is too fragile oris too valuable, it will not be shipped by DHL but by an art shipping company. You are also welcome to collect the purchased artwork in person.
Vielen Dank, für Ihre Anfrage! Ich melde mich so schnell wie möglich bei Ihnen zurück.
Mit freundlichem Gruß,
Martin Kirves